Hello, reader ๐๐ฝ ! Welcome to day 58 of the series on Problem Solving. Through this series, I aim to pick up at least one question everyday and share my approach for solving it.
Today, I will be picking up LeetCode's daily challenge problem: 2225. Find Players With Zero or One Losses.
๐ค Problem Statement
- Given an integer array matches where matches[i] =
[winner, loser]
indicates that the playerwinner
defeated playerloser
in a match, return a list answer of size 2 where:answer[0]
is a list of all players that have not lost any matches.answer[1]
is a list of all players that have lost exactly one match.
The values in the two lists should be returned in increasing order.
๐ฌ Thought Process - Two Hash Maps
- We need to find players who have lost 0 matches and players who have lost exactly 1 match.
- We can use two hash maps:
to keep track of count of wins of players andcountLossByPlayers
to keep track of the count of losses of players. - Basically for
match[i] = [winner, loser]
would contain the count of wins from playerwinner
would contain the count of losses from playerloser
. - We iterate through every match in the matches array and
- If winner
wins a match we will increment the count of games won byj
in thecountWinsByPlayers
map. - If loser
loses a match, we will increment the count of games won byk
in thecountLossByPlayers
- If winner
- Once all the matches have been processed, we can iterate over both the maps individually.
- For every key
in thecountWinsByPlayers
, ifplayer
has not lost any match, i.e.countLossByPlayers.get(player) == 0
, we can addplayer
to the list of players who has lost 0 matches. - For every key,
, in thecountLossByPlayers
, if the count of loses ofplayer
is exactly 1, i.e.countLossByPlayers.get(player) == 1
, we can addplayer
to the list of players with exactly 1 loss. - Finally, we sort both the winners and losers list individually and return the answer.
๐ฉ๐ฝโ๐ป Solution - Two Hash Maps
Below is the code for the approach using Hash Map
class Solution { public List<List<Integer>> findWinners(int[][] matches) { Map<Integer, Integer> countWinsByPlayer = new HashMap<>(); Map<Integer, Integer> countLossByPlayer = new HashMap<>(); for(int[] match: matches) { int winner = match[0]; int loser = match[1]; if(!countWinsByPlayer.containsKey(winner)) { countWinsByPlayer.put(winner, 0); } int winCount = countWinsByPlayer.get(winner); countWinsByPlayer.put(winner, winCount + 1); if(!countLossByPlayer.containsKey(loser)) { countLossByPlayer.put(loser, 0); } int loseCount = countLossByPlayer.get(loser); countLossByPlayer.put(loser, loseCount + 1); } List<List<Integer>> answer = new ArrayList(); answer.add(new ArrayList()); answer.add(new ArrayList()); for(int winner: countWinsByPlayer.keySet()) { if(!countLossByPlayer.containsKey(winner)) { answer.get(0).add(winner); } } for(int loser: countLossByPlayer.keySet()) { if(countLossByPlayer.get(loser) == 1) { answer.get(1).add(loser); } } Collections.sort(answer.get(0)); Collections.sort(answer.get(1)); return answer; } }
Time Complexity: O(n log n) - n = number of players - Sorting of both the list of answers and losers takes O(n log n) in the worst case Space Complexity: O(n) - n = number of players
๐ฌ Thought Process - Single Hash Map
- Using two separate maps is not a very elegant solution. We can instead use a single map to solve this problem.
- Instead of saving both wins and losses separately, we can use a single map that stores losses.
- For a player who wins the match:
- we update the map to hold
<player, 0>
indicating that the player has lost 0 matches => If the player has been processed for the first time (i.e. if the player has not lost any match before) - we don't update the entry if the
has already won or lost a match before.
- we update the map to hold
- For a player who loses the match:
- we update the map to hold
<player, 1>
indicating that the player has lost 1 match => If the player has not lost or won any matches before - we update the entry if the
already has lost or won the match before by incrementing by 1
- we update the map to hold
๐ฉ๐ฝโ๐ป Solution - Single Hash Map
Below is the code for the approach using a single Hash Map
class Solution { public List<List<Integer>> findWinners(int[][] matches) { Map<Integer, Integer> lossCount = new HashMap(); for(int[] match: matches) { int winner = match[0]; int loser = match[1]; if(!lossCount.containsKey(loser)) { lossCount.put(loser, 0); } int count = lossCount.get(loser); lossCount.put(loser, count + 1); if(!lossCount.containsKey(winner)) { lossCount.put(winner, 0); } } List<List<Integer>> answer = new ArrayList(); List<Integer> winners = new ArrayList(), losers = new ArrayList(); for(int player: lossCount.keySet()) { if(lossCount.get(player) == 0) { winners.add(player); } else if(lossCount.get(player) == 1) { losers.add(player); } } Collections.sort(winners); Collections.sort(losers); answer.add(winners); answer.add(losers); return answer; } }
Time Complexity: O(n log n) - n = number of players - At most we can have n players and sorting takes O(n * log n) Space Complexity: O(n) - n = number of players
๐ฌ Thought Process - Counting Sort
- From the constraints we can see that the range of matches is the same as the range of players. Hence we can use count sort such that
holds the information of the ith element. - We use a similar strategy as done in the previous approach and keep track of losses of every player in an array of the same size as the range (10,000).
- Hence,
would hold the count of losses of ith player.- If
player[i] == 0
: 0 matches lost - If
player[i] == 1
: 1 match lost - If
player[i] > 1
: more that 1 matches lost
- If
- Initially, we will fill the array with -1 and whenever a player
has won a match for the first time, we'll set the value atith
index to0
. - If a player
has neither lost or won any match and loses for the first time, we initialise the value at indexi
to 1. - If a player
has won or lost a match previously, we will simply increment the value at indexi
. - In the end, we will iterate from 0th to 10,000 index and check for the winners
player[i] == 0
and losersplayer[i] == 1
and add them into two separate lists. - We will have no need of sorting here since we are iterating from left to right (lower to higher index).
๐ฉ๐ฝโ๐ป Solution - Counting Sort
Below is the code for the approach using counting sort
class Solution { public List<List<Integer>> findWinners(int[][] matches) { int[] matchCount = new int[100001]; Arrays.fill(matchCount, -1); for(int[] match: matches) { int winner = match[0]; int loser = match[1]; int winnerCount = matchCount[winner]; if(winnerCount == -1) { matchCount[winner] = 0; } int loserCount = matchCount[loser]; matchCount[loser] += (loserCount == -1) ? 2 : 1; } List<Integer> winners = new ArrayList(); List<Integer> losers = new ArrayList(); for(int player = 1; player <= 100000; player++) { int count = matchCount[player]; if(count == 0) { winners.add(player); } else if(count == 1) { losers.add(player); } } List<List<Integer>> answer = new ArrayList(); answer.add(winners); answer.add(losers); return answer; } }
Time Complexity: O(n) - n = number of players - At most we can have n players Space Complexity: O(n) - n = number of players
- You can find the link to the GitHub repo for this question here: 2225. Find Players With Zero or One Losses.
That's a wrap for today's problem. If you liked my explanation then please do drop a like/ comment. Also, please correct me if I've made any mistakes or if you want me to improve something!
Thank you for reading!