41. First Missing Positive

41. First Missing Positive

Problem Solving - Day 31


4 min read

Hello, reader ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿฝ ! Welcome to day 31 of the series on Problem Solving. Through this series, I aim to pick up at least one question everyday and share my approach for solving it.

Today, I will be picking up LeetCode's daily challenge problem: 41. First Missing Positive.

๐Ÿค” Problem Statement

  • Given an unsorted integer array nums, return the smallest missing positive integer.

    Note: The algorithm must run in constant space and linear time.

๐Ÿ’ฌ Thought Process - Brute Force

  • We could use two loops, one that checks for all positive integers from 1 to n+1 and another inner loop which checks the existence of each of these in the array.
  • This is quite costly and takes O(n^2) in the worst case.
  • We can do better by saving all the values in a set.

๐Ÿ’ฌ Thought Process - Hash Set (Enhanced Brute Force)

  • The approach uses a set to cache all the positive integers in the array.
  • Then we can iterate through numbers from 1 to n+1 to figure out which is the smallest positive integer.
  • This is pretty straightforward, and run in linear time as well. Let's look into the code now.

๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿฝโ€๐Ÿ’ป Solution - Hash Set (Enhanced Brute Force)

class Solution {
    public int firstMissingPositive(int[] nums) {
        Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>();
        int n = nums.length;
        for(int num: nums) {
            if(num > 0) {

        int i = 1;
        for(; i<=n+1; i++) {
            if(!set.contains(i)) break;

        return i;
Time Complexity: O(n)
    - n = number of elements in the array
Space Complexity: O(n) 
    - n = number of elements in the array

๐Ÿ’ฌ Thought Process - Count Sort

  • We can do much better and use the fact that we care about only the positive integers in the array.
  • We can try sorting in place such that if a number num, is greater than 0, num > 0, then it should be placed at index num-1.
  • That means we place number 1 at index 0, 2 at 1, 3 at 2 and so on.
  • If we encounter any negative numbers or numbers greater than the length of array, we simply ignore them.
  • This will help us to look for the first mismatch such that nums[i] != i+1.
  • Let's walk through an example: nums = [3,5,0,-1,1]. After applying count sort all the elements that are in the range: 1 <= num <= n will be in their correct indices.
  • The mismatches will occupy the places of the missing numbers. So it would be like this: [1, 0, 3, -1, 5].
  • Now the first mismatch is at index 1, where i+1 != 2. So we return 2 as the answer.
  • The corner case is when none of the indices have a mismatch. For e.g. [1,2,3]. In such cases we return n+1 = 4 as that's the first missing positive integer.
  • Another corner case is to handle duplicates. We need to ignore duplicate values as well. Hence, instead of checking if num != i+1, we will check if the position at num-1 is already occupied by num or not. If it was, then we ignore this number and the index as well.
  • Let's look into the code now.

๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿฝโ€๐Ÿ’ป Solution - Count Sort

class Solution {
    public int firstMissingPositive(int[] nums) {
        if(nums == null || nums.length == 0) return 0;

        int n = nums.length;
        int i = 0;
        while(i < n) {
            int num = nums[i];
            // Ignore negative numbers, zero, numbers > n+1 and duplicates
            if(num <= 0 || num > n || nums[num-1] == num) {
            int newIndex = num-1;
            int temp = nums[newIndex];
            nums[newIndex] = num;
            nums[i] = temp;

        for(i = 0; i<n; i++) {
            int num = nums[i];
            if(num != (i+1)) return i+1;

        return n+1;
Time Complexity: O(n)
    - n = number of elements in the array
Space Complexity: O(1)


That's a wrap for today's problem. If you liked my explanation then please do drop a like/ comment. Also, please correct me if I've made any mistakes or if you want me to improve something!

Thank you for reading!