91. Decode Ways

91. Decode Ways

Problem Solving - Day 1


7 min read

Hello, reader ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿฝ ! Welcome to the first post of the series on Problem Solving. Through this series, I aim to pick up at least one question everyday and share my approach for solving it.

Disclaimer โš ๏ธ : These posts could involve considerable amount of rambling since I will definitely be sharing my thought process as well.

Today, I will be picking up LeetCode's daily challenge problem. Decode Ways.

๐Ÿค” Problem Statement

A message containing letters could be encoded into numbers as follows:

"A" -> 1
"B" -> 2
"Y" -> 25
"Z" -> 26

**Given an encoded message consisting of numbers, return the number of ways these numbers could be grouped and decoded.

  • For e.g.: 226 can be decoded into 2 ("B"), 22 ("U"), and 26 ("Z").
  • Another e.g.: 06 cannot be decoded because there's no mapping for 0 to any letter, and 06 is different from 6 (decoded to "F").

๐Ÿ“Œ Read the entire problem here.

๐Ÿ’ฌ Thought process

This problem was a surprise since I'd solved this just a week before! So, I will mention here the thoughts I had for this problem when I first it question last week.

  • When I skimmed through the problem, I saw the word "group" and the first thought I had was subsequences. The example clearly showed that we can only group numbers that appear simultaneously.
  • On reading the statement further, I saw number of ways. This gave a clue that I can generate all the groups and then return the total ways. Thus Recursion occurred to me!
  • Then I started figuring out the pattern to group letters to come up with a recurrence and sub-problems. Upon further scrutiny, I came up with the following conclusions:

    • I can either pick a number alone at index i, or I can pick up 2 characters i and i+1 together to decode the string. Why? Because the mapping between alphabets -> numbers are of the range [1, 26].
    • If at any such substring, the first encoded character is 0, then I cannot further break it down.
    • When I group 2 characters, i and i+1, I need to ensure that the 2 numbers are within range [10,26]. Say if I encounter 34, then I cannot break this string down further.
  • With these observations, I tried to draw a rough recursive tree. recrusion-tree

  • As you can see from the image above, there are 3 ways to group the message 226.
  • Now, I tried to draw for another string particularly one that involved a wrong grouping. recursion-tree-2.png
  • In the above image for message 325, notice how when you break 3 and 32, but 32 cannot be broken further.

Let's look at the base cases now.

  • If the string to process is empty, then you've found 1 way to decode
  • if the first character is '0' then you return 0, because you cannot break down the remaining string.

  • Also note: before making a recursive call, we need to check if it's even possible to make the next call.

  • For example, let's assume the string "226", the calls would be as follows:


  • Notice how, when you make a call from F("6"), you cannot consider selecting 2 characters, because there's not enough string left.
  • If you carefully observer, you can choose 2 characters and then make a call further only of:
    1. There are enough characters left in the string to make a call length > 1
    2. The chosen characters are of the form:
      • "1x", where x can be any number from 0 to 9
      • "2x", where x can be numbers only between [1,6] (because mappings only exist from 20 to 26)

Now that these are stated, let's look at the code

class Solution {
    public int numDecodings(String s) {
        if(s == null || s.length() == 0) {
            return 0;
        return decode(s);

    private int decode(String s) {
        int n = s.length();
        // You've found 1 way to decode
        if(n == 0) {
            return 1;

        char firstChar = s.charAt(0);
        // If the first character is 0, you cannot break down the string further
        if(firstChar == '0') {
            return 0;

        // Choose only 1 character or choose 2 characters
        int chooseOneChar = decode(s.substring(1));

        int chooseTwoChar = 0;
        if(isValidString(s, 2, n)) {
            // validate if you can select 2 characters
            chooseTwoChar = decode(s.substring(2));
        return chooseOneChar + chooseTwoChar;

    private boolean isValidString(String s, int numChars, int n) {
        // Only if n > 1, you can choose 2 characters
        if(n > 1) {
            String firstTwoChars = s.substring(0,2);

            char firstChar = firstTwoChars.charAt(0);
            char secondChar =  firstTwoChars.charAt(1);

            // If the string is of the form "1x" or "2x", then you this is a valid group
            if(firstChar == '1' || firstChar == '2' && secondChar < '7') {
                return true;
        return false;

  • The above code is contains everything I stated above.
    Time Complexity: O(2^n), n = length of string (depth of the recursion tree). In the worst case you consider every individual character as separate groups
    Space Complexity: O(n), n = length of string => implicit stack space
  • As you can see the TC is terrible, If you submit this code, it will result in TLE. Hence, we will have to optimise.

  • If you've observed carefully, there are overlapping subproblems. Let me show you an example.


  • This is only a small example. Think of a string with 100 characters (LeetCode constraints, 100 is the max length of the i/p string). You'll get a lot of overlapping problems in a huge string.
  • So, we can use DP to improve the algorithm and I'll use memoization. But before that, let's think of the problem in indices.
  • Look at the image below.


  • At every index i, you make a call to F(i+1) [choose only ith character] or (and) F(i+2) [choose ith and i+1th characters]

Let's look at the code for this now.

class Solution {
    public int numDecodings(String s) {
        if(s == null || s.length() == 0) {
            return 0;

        int n = s.length();
        int[] memoized = new int[n];
        // We fill the memoized indices with -1, so that we can differentiate
        // between solved and unsolved sub-problems
        Arrays.fill(memoized, -1);

        return decodeMemoized(s, 0, memoized);

    private int decodeMemoized(String s, int index, int[] memoized) {
        int n = s.length();

        // You've found 1 way to decode
        if(index == n) {
            return 1;

        // If the sub-problem was already solved, return memoized answer
        if(memoized[index] != -1) {
            return memoized[index];

        char firstChar = s.charAt(index);
        // If the character at index is 0, you cannot break down the string further
        if(firstChar == '0') {
            memoized[index] = 0;
            return 0;

        // Choose only 1 character or choose 2 characters
        int chooseOneChar = decodeMemoized(s, index+1, memoized);

        int chooseTwoChar = 0;
        if(isValidString(s, index, 2, n)) {
            // validate if you can select 2 characters
            chooseTwoChar = decodeMemoized(s, index+2, memoized);
        memoized[index] = chooseOneChar + chooseTwoChar;
        return memoized[index];

    private boolean isValidString(String s, int index, int numChars, int n) {
        // Only if index < n-1, you can choose 2 characters
        if(index < n-1) {
            String firstTwoChars = s.substring(index, index+2);

            char firstChar = firstTwoChars.charAt(0);
            char secondChar =  firstTwoChars.charAt(1);

            // If the string is of the form "1x" or "2x", then you this is a valid group
            if(firstChar == '1' || firstChar == '2' && secondChar < '7') {
                return true;
        return false;
  • I've changed the signature of the function now, and I'm passing the index we are processing as well as the memoized results.
  • Every time we want to solve a sub-problem at index i, we check if it was solved before. If yes, then we return the memoized result.
  • If not, we compute the result, memoize and then return the result to the caller.
Time Complexity: O(n), n = length of string. In the worst case, the recursion tree would have a depth of n.
Space Complexity: O(n), n = length of string => implicit stack space (also we are using aux space for memoizing the results)
  • Note: This solution can further be optimised to:
    • Avoid stack space to only use O(n) space for memoizing results => tabulation
    • And O(1) space to avoid memoizing all n values and use constant space to save the last 2 results.

Although I will not be discussing the two approaches, you can find them here.


That's a wrap for todays problem. If you liked my explanation then please do drop a like/ comment. Also, please correct me if I've made any mistakes or if you want me to improve something!

Thank you for reading!